Our References


JISALT 450 Type III Maintenance Mauritius Island

LUX EXPERT provide spare parts

Réunion Island Le Gol T2 TR2 et T3 TR3 avec cables

Tanzanie Prob AVR Basler

Saudi Arabia General Overhaul Aramco G1C

JISALT 465 Type I Maintenance 2 units Mauritius Island

Alstom 250MW ELCID Arrighi Site

JISALT 450 Supply spare parts Mauritius Island

JISALT 465 Supply spare parts Mauritius Island

Saudi Arabia General Overhaul Aramco G1C Balancing on site

Vedene site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

BRUSH Rotor cleaning and testing in French Guyana

Partial Discharge and Tangent delta measurement in Jeumont Electric site

Lunel site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Zephire site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Paprec Maubeuge Type I maintenance on Leroy Somer

Supply spares parts LE GOL Réunion Island

SNVE Rouen site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Parec St Saulve supply diodes Spares parts

Dalkia La hague site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Aumone St Ouen site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Parec St Saulve supply Spares parts bearing

Guichainville Evreux site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Suez Blois site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Norpare Blendecques site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

EREN Manchester JISALT 422 type I Maintenance

Plate Taille Belgium, electric test inspection and ELCID

Alston Stator Ivory Cost ELCID

French Guyana, type III maintenance 10 MW generator

Gennevilliers Alstom Generator RSO

Réunion Island Supply PT100 bearing spares parts

Vedene SUEZ site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Chartres site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Alizay site Tangent delta and Partial Discharge measurement

Saudi Arabia General Overhaul Aramco G1B Balancing on site

Martinique Type I inspection


Lucciana Alstom T214-234, type III inspection, test électriques, ELCID

Vedene Démontage alternateur Leroy Somer

Partial Discharge et Tang Delta Alternateur JEUMONT JISALT 410

OMNICANE Spare Parts for Type III

JEUMONT Contrôle Transformateur Partial Discharge

Saudi Arabia ARAMCO G1A Balancing on site

Brignoles Var Stator 15kv testing

Dalkia La Hague Partial Discharge and Tangent Delta

TEROS à Chevrières Alternateur ALSTHOM RNV189 112 19MVA, partial Discharge and Tangent delta

Reunion Island Spares Parts Jeumont generator SAT 130-76-4

OMNICANE Mauritius Island Type 2 du groupe 2 JISALT 465

OMNICANE Mauritius Island Type 1 Groupe 1 JISALT 465

TEREOS Origny St Benoite inspection and testing MSBHD900LL4 (GTA5 et GTA6) 12,5MVA

Gardanne Siemens 200MW ispection and electrical testing

PAPREC St Saulve Leroy Somer 6,5 MW inspection and testing

Oreade Lillebonne TDPS 3,5 MW Dépannage

Rieulleux la Pape sur La trinité Alstom 11MW Partial Discharge & Tang delta

ENERCAL New Caledonia inpection generator high level Partial Discharge Alstom Generator

CTVB Mauritius Island Spare parts charbons et support

OMNICANE Consommables and spare parts for Type 3 JISALT 450


Tereos Origny DP GTA6 OffLine Partial Discharge and Tangent Delta

Evreux Leroy Somer LSA56 8Mw Partial Discharge and Tangent Delta

Savannah Microener replacement MG30-I remplacé par S24G

Mauritius Island Spare Parts OILS RINGS for bearing

Urbazer Issy les Moulineaux ELCID JISALT 255

ELCID DC Rotor Industeel Belgium

Siemens 75MVA in reunion Island Inspection and Testing

OMNICANE Mauritius Island St Aubin Spare Parts

Alston 210MVA Inspection Gonfreville

VILLERS ST PAUL, TEAM Partial Discharge and Tangent Delta

Elcid Côte Ivoire Alstom Genertaor TAG 8

Vedene Partial Discharge and Tangent Delta

Saudi Arabia Tabuk Genertaor Balancing


Tecmo Aramco GIB
Savannah Consommables Type III Groupe 1
SAVANNAH Type III groupe 1
DBVIB G1B Balancing on site offer
MTMI-Lucciana Alstom T214-234
LUX OMICRON spare parts
Jeumont 2xELCID Fezin
Jeumont Le Gol La Réunion Type III SAT 130-76-4
Savannah supply CA6240 et spares parts
TEAM EVNA situé à Schweighouse sur Moder
Savannah supply electrical solvant and spares parts
Lux-Omicron Condensateur
MTMI Gardanne Siemens 200MW
ELITEAM ELCID Cote d'Ivoire CIE TAG3 T500 174-160
Jeumont Jamnagar Jisalt 450 Changement des câbles JISALT 450
JEUMONT ELCID Cattenom TR1 27-06 au 07-07-2022
MTMI ELCID à Blenod Cycle Combiné 183MVA
TEAM DP et PD chez Team Leroy Somer
Jeumont Type II Le Port Ile de la Réunion
Jeumont ELCID Belleville TR2 1300 MW


TEAM Richard Toll Cablage CEM A2
Jeumont Saillat sur Vienne ELCID
Savannah Spare Parts
Pièces L Sommer Electro Serve Malaisia
LUX-Thyssen Isberges 8 moteurs DC 2 Génératrices et 1 moteur
LUX Diodes et Ballastes Jisalt 424
CTBV Spare Parts Cubicle
TEAM Sénégal TD1 fin mars
TEAM TIRU TD et DP SAT 94,5-126,5-4 de 13,MVA
Préparation Savannah 2 types 2 en 2021
Savannah 2 types 2 en 2021 Annulée COVID
TEAM Veolia ROUEN SNVE Changer 12 diodes
TEAM Veolia Claye-Soully Leroy Somer 7MW 6,3kV
LUX ABB Valence test électriques
Jeumont PD 2 units
Jeumont ELCID Martiques
Jeumont Corée du Sud Nuclear Power Plant
Jeumont Ansvers Brush 63MVA
TEAM TD et DP VESOUL IDX usine Leroy Somer 2,7MW 6,6kV
TEAM 2 Elcid et 2 RSG en Atelier Siemens Etrepagny
LUX VENTE Omicron test
TEAM 2 TD et PD Etrepagny
ST AUBIN Joint sous Coolers
PARTSCH-MTMI Test Groupe Bulbe Lons le Saunier
CSS Sénégal Vernis
LUX Isbergues Maintenance
AM GABON Tchimbele ELCID 24MVA Alstom
SAVANNAH-RENK Tuyau arrière Palier et 6 RTD PT100
TEAM SNVE TD et PD le 03 09 2021
LUX-Jeumont Réception
TEAM SNVE 5 tiges AE
JEUMONT Shotton UPM Type I
Jeumont DP en usine


Nepoui T III G2 et G4 remise en place 2 pôles Alstom
ELCID KPG Bahrain Al Ezzel P/P
Jeumont ELCID Lavera Turbo Generator
Technica Industries ELCID belgique 324 slots OBOURG
Technica Industries Obourg rebobinage
Savannah Triveny Type 2
Jeumont 2 ELCID en Usine
Jeumont ELCID- -affaire BUGEY Tr2
Jeumont ELCID- -affaire NOGENT Tr2
TEAM Sénégal Richard Tools
Savannah Type I G1
Jeumont Shotton UPM Type I
JE Nantes ELCID Induit 80 T Liège
Propal Colombie spare
CTBV Spares Parts
Consutech 6 diodes
Savannah PT100 Leroy Sommer LSA50 2M6 de 950KW 415v
KOGENBAN RSO pour Lux-Expert
LUX EXPERT ELCID 355kw aej à jeumont
Technica Halluin JISALT 424-5I0394


ELCID Nantes DC Rotor 01

Ile Maurice St Aubin Type 1 JISALT 450

Tecmo DBVIB Balancing G1A Turbine

ENERCAL Nepoui G2 réfection de 2 câbles HT


KPG ELCID Dunkerque 198 MVA

ELCID Nantes DC Rotor 02

Savannah en MAI JUIN Type II et Type I

Savannah Spare Part JISALT 465


TECMO Arabie Saoudite Materiel ARAMCO G1C

TECMO Arabie Saoudite Aramco G1C Recalage et testing

Papeete fourniture de vernis conducteur et semi conducteur

Lux-Expert fourniture de matériel

JEUMONT Shotton UK Type 3 JISALT 425

Enercal Nepoui T III G2

Enercal Nepoui G4 remise en place 2 pôles

TEAM Enercal Doniambo Type III Alstom

Nouvelle Calédonie Yaté Réglage des cartes AVR

Jeumont Type I Senegal Richard Toll du 25 au 30 06 2019

Jeumont 2 ELCID en Usine à Jeumont

ENERCAL Nepoui G1 remplacement Câblage AE


2018 :

Maroc Tit Mellil, ELCID Turbo Alstom 37 MW T190-240

UK ELCID Immingham Toshiba 220 MVA
Supply of Spare PMG
Omnicane Ile Maurice Type 1 G1 & TII G2 65MW
Nouvelle Calédonie, test de conformité alternateur Jeumont G2 33 MW
ELCID Maroc Bouskoura, 2 alternateurs
ELCID Dunkerque 280 MW
Nouvelle Calédonie, installation and upgrade Automates
Omnicane, analyse problème défaut masse rotor groupe 2 65MW
WPO tests élecytriques de conformité 4 Vestas 2MW
TECMO KKMC 8 Type III general overhaul
TECMO Aramco G1C, type III, stator rewedging
TECMOSupply Aramco G1C Wedges, epoxy, varnish
JEUMONT Shotton Type 1
Omnicane, supply spare part
TECMO Balancing Aramco G1C
Omnicane, reinstallation of rewounded rotor 65MW and Commissioning
Nouvelle Calédonie, TYPE III G3 Alstom, complete rewedging and repair rotor interpolar connexions
Consutech ELCID & EDA Gabon Owendo
Consutech Gabon reinsulation of phases/neutral Gabon Owendo
Nouvelle Calédonie, provide spare part for bearing

2017 :
Turbostar Canada KKMC 3, supply of Diodes
Turbostar Canada Testing material
TECMO Arabia KKMC Balancing on site
ENERCAL NEPOUI Offre Suivi remise en état G2
Carvajal Colombie Spare Parts
Carvajal Colombie Type III
COGEDIS Maroc Tit Mellil Alstom Turbo Type III et recalage des encoches T190-240
COGEDIS Maroc ELCID Til Mellil Alstom T190-240
Carvajal Colombie Turbine inspection
Enercal Nepoui Elcid stator G2 avant rebobinage
TECMO Arabia Aramco Balancing
Omnicane CTBV installation de Sondes additionnelles dans l’alternateur
Jeumont Begles Jisalt Type I
Jeumont Energie SaarLorLux AG JISALT 245
WPO-Offre 02 2 Units Montbeliard Vyt Les Belvoir
WPO-2 Units Haut Moulin Marsengis
WPO-2 Units Moulin des Champs Marsengis
WPO-2 Units St Florentin Bonnet
Nouvelle Calédonie supply spare RTD's for bearing
Nouvelle Calédonie Checking AVR & Final Testing stator

Turbostar Canada Unit3 Test and Inspection sur une base militaire Westinghouse 43MVA
TECMO ARABIA Unit 3 Stator cleaning et rewedging sur site
Jeumont Electric MAAN Jordanie Jisalt 416 Type III
South Korea DME Elastimold supply and replacement on induction motor
Jeumont Electric Chine Type II de 2 moteurs
Jeumont Electric UPM Shotton UK Type 1
COGEDIS Maroc Type III premier 6MW Moteur ACEC chez JLEC
Technica-Industrie Gennevilliers 250 MW Alstom en air, type I
South Korea DME Elastimold supply and Installation on second motor
Technica Industrie ELCID Moutiers suite choc tôlerie
COGEDIS Maroc Type III second 6MW Moteur ACEC
ENERCAL Nepoui Test Electriques sur SATL 229-90-12 Série 34081 G2
COGEDIS JLEC TAQUA Type III moteur de 1100 KW Horizontal
Jeumont Electric Sud est Espagne 2 type I JISALT 245
Consutech ELCID Gabon Owendo


France, contrôle Tôlerie alternateur Hydraulique 40MW

Maurice Alstom 65 MVA G1 Type I test/inspection
Côte Ivoire Alstom VRIDI 43 MVA Unit ELCID
Maurice Alstom 65 MVA G1 Type II test/inspection
UK Jeumont Jisalt 422 Bearing and oil rings Inspection + Type I
UK Alstom Hull Saltend 500 MW ELCID avant recalage
UK Alstom Hull Saltend 500 MW ELCID en cours de recalage
UK Alstom Hull Saltend 500 MW ELCID après recalage
La Réunion Jeumont JEGSY 1224 - 24MVA Type I sur 2 unités
Pays-Bas Jeumont Jeumont JISALT 446 Type I + Nouveau PMG
Guadeloupe Alstom JARRY T174-160 ELCID
France Jeumont JISALT 430, remise en état roue polaire


France Wind Turbine Unit E1 2MW INDAR Testing/Inspection

France Wind Turbine Unit E13 2MW INDAR Testing/Inspection
Saudi Arabia Westinghouse W251 B6 Testing/Inspection
UK Jeumont Jisalt 422 Type I test et inspection
UK Jeumont Jisalt 422 Bearing Inspection and oil rings replacement
UK ABB 217MVA Stallingborough Unit ELCID
Maurice Alstom 65 MVA G2 Type I test/change resistance and diodes
France Alstom 161MVA Vitry Sur Seine Unit ELCID
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 1 Cement Plant 32 MVA Stator cleaning Rewedging and Testing
Maurice Alstom 65 MVA G1 Type I test/nspection
France Alstom Dunkerque 282MVA Unit ELCID
Saudi Arabia Westinghouse W251 B6 Final Inspection/testing/ELCID after rewedging
UK Siemens VPI Immingham 137 MVA Unit ELCID
Côte Ivoire Alstom VRIDI 43 MVA Unit ELCID
UK Alstom Hull Saltend 500 MW ELCID
IRAN, Montage et Câblage alternateur 20MW 2P
France, contrôle Tôlerie alternateur Hydraulique 40MW

2013 :

Saudi Arabia Saudi Electric Westinghouse #2 47MW Type III, inspection, ELCID

Saudi Arabia KAMC GE #1 Electrical inspection/testing
Saudi Arabia Westinghouse Aramco Unit G1B Westinghouse Turbine W251 B6 Type III
Maurice Alstom 65 MVA G1 Type I test et inspection
UK Jeumont Shotton Jisalt 422 Type III test elcid inspection
Maurice Alstom 65 MVA G2 Type I test et inspection
Saudi Arabia Westinghouse Aramco Unit G1A Westinghouse Turbine W251 B6 Type III
France Alstom St OUEN 160MW Unit ELCID
New Caledonia Jeumont Nepoui G1, replacement of HV cables, HV testing
New Caledonia Jeumont Nepoui G2, replacement of HV cables, HV testing
Belgium Alstom Ringvaart Alstom 500MW Unit ELCID
Netherlands Jeumont YARA site 1 Jisalt 460 Type II et inspection
Netherlands Jeumont YARA site 2 Jispac 460 Type II et inspection
Saudi Arabia AEG Cement Plant Unit 1 32 MVA, Inspection and Testing

2012 :
France Wind Turbine Unit 3 Follow up stator rewinding
Mauritania Hyundai Unit 8 Analyse problem Stator Winding HV cable
France Wind Turbine Unit 3 Final electrical testing after rewinding
Mauritania Hyundai Unit 8 Repair stator winding HV cable after supplying material
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 Repair rotor winding 4 poles
Italy Jeumont Jisalt 255 Type I Test et inspection
Panama ABB SAT 110,8-176-4 Type II test et inspection
Colombia Thermodyn Turbine carvajal intervention report 1 (21021) Bis
Mauritania Empower Repair G8 Report Empower Hyundai 5 MVA
Mauritania Empower Upgrade Hyundai 5 MVA
2012 04 19 Rapport Savannah Jisalt 465 G2 Type I test et inspection
Guinea Alstom Grande Chute G3 ELCID
Réunion Jeumont LE GOL SAT 130-176-4 Type III Test et inspection
UK Jeumont JISALT 422 Type II test et inspection
2012 05 25 Rapport CTBV Alstom Motor Insulation Repair
Maurice Jeumont CTBV Jisalt 450 G1 Diodes Wheel Swapping
Maurice Jeumont Savannah Jisalt 465 G1 Type III test et inspection
Mauritania Empower InfraRed Report Empower Hyundai 5 MVA Unit 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9
Mauritania Empower Repair G8 Report Empower Hyundai 5 MVA
Saudi Arabia Saudi Electric Westinghouse Generator Electrical Testing
France Jeumont Rouen, Mechanical generator JISALT 460 reassembly
Angola Brush 25 MW Type III and electrical testing, ELCID, RSO

Ile Maurice ABB Unit 2 4MW Type III, ELCID, Electrical testing
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 25MW Type III, ELCID, Electrical testing
South Korea Jeumont Unit 1 – 2 12MW Commissioning
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 2 60MVA Type II test et inspection
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 50MVA Type III test, ELCID et inspection
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 60MVA Type III test, ELCID et inspection
UK Jeumont Unit 1 22MVA Type II test et inspection
France Alstom Unit 2 69MVA ELCID T 237-268
France Alstom Unit 1 80MVA Unit Testing and High Voltage DC
Italy Jeumont Unit 1 52MVA Type I Test et inspection
France Alstom Unit 1 50MVA Unit stator ELCID
Emirates Jeumont Unit 1 38MVA Type III Offshore and electrical testing
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 46MVA Type III test, ELCID and inspection
France Wind Turbine Unit 3 2MW INDAR Stator damage Analysis
France Wind Turbine Unit 3 2MWINDAR Stator Rewinding Supervision
Pakistan Jeumont Unit 1 2011 12 21 G1-Rapport Liberty Power JISALT MEGA 425


Saudi Arabia Mitsubishi Unit 1 2MW Report Overhauling SEC

Mexique Jeumont Unit 1 61MW Type I Electrical Inspection
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 27 MVA Type III 4 pôles Saillants
Allemagne Jeumont Unit 1 55MW Type II Electrical Inspection
France Jeumont Unit 1 25MW Type II avec visite palier
France Jeumont Unit 2 25MW Type I Electrical Inspection
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 60MVA Type I test et inspection
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 2 60MVA Type I test et inspection
France Alstom Unit 1 47MVA ELCID T190-240
France Alstom Unit 1 40MVA ELCID T190-240
Saudi Arabia Brush Unit 8 25MW Electrical testing
Saudi Arabia Brush Unit 8 25MW Bus Bar Insulation Analysis
Saudi Arabia Westinghouse Unit 3 40MVA Type II and Electrical testing
Italy Jeumont Unit 2 50MW Electrical testing
UK Jeumont Unit 1 22 MVA Type II test et inspection
France Jeumont Unit 1 52MVA JISALT 450 ELCID
France Wind Turbine Unit 1-2-3-4 2 MW Indar Electrical testing
France Wind Turbine Unit 5 2 MW Cantarey Electrical testing
Italy Jeumont Unit 1 17MVA Unit Complete removal form site
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 2 60MVA Removal Extration Rotor Tools Analysis
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 47MVA Type II test et inspection-s
Italy Jeumont Unit 1 17MVA Unit assembly on site
France Jeumont TNCX 167-125-8-8,5 MW ELCID testing
Colombia Jeumont Unit 1 23MVA Type II test et inspection-s
Italy Jeumont Unit 1 17MVA Winding Expertise
Italy Jeumont Unit 4 55MVA High Voltage testing
France Wind Turbine Unit 1 Cantarey 2MW Electrical Testing
France Wind Turbine Unit 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-9 2MW Electrical testing
Ile Maurice Jeumont Unit 1 46MVA Exciter Repair
France Wind Turbine Unit 1-2-3-4-5 VEM 2MW Electrical testing
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 3 32MVA Restarting Process and electrical analysis
Saudi Arabia Westinghouse Unit 8 43MVA Exciter Rotor inspection and electrical testing


Cameroun CEMUnit 1- 1 MW Repair Stator Winding

Gabon Alstom Unit 1-27 MVA Electrical testing
Gabon AlstomUnit 2-27 MVA Electrical testing
Cameroun CEMUnit 1 & 2-1 MWComparaison Test de vieillissement
Cameroun CEM Unit 2-1 MWElectrical testing
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 1-25,6 MWBoroscope Inspection
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 3-25,6 MW Overhauling, testing, rewedging.
Norvège Jeumont Unit 2-62 MVAType I test et inspection
Ile MauriceJeumontUnit 1-60 MVA Type II test et inspection
Ile MauriceJeumontUnit 2-60 MVAType II test et inspection
Cameroun CEMUnit 3-1 MWElectrical testing
Saudi ArabiaAEGUnit 1-25,6 MWCombustion Boroscope Inspection
Saudi ArabiaAEGUnit 1-25,6 MWCompressor Boroscope Inspection
Saudi ArabiaAEG Unit 3-25,6 MWStator rewedging (Supply wedges)
Italy Jeumont Unit 1-51,5 MVA Type III rotor removal-test and inspection
South Korea Jeumont SAT 162,5-35-18 - 1,8 MWSamsung Inspection
South Korea JeumontSAT 384-45-36 - 9,5 MW Samsung Inspection
ItalyJeumontUnit 1-51,5 MVARepair Stator Winding, reinforcement/testing
France Jeumont Unit 1-11 MVAType I Test et Inspection endoscopique
BelgiqueJeumontUnit 1-14 MVAType III Test et Inspection
Italy JeumontUnit 1 to 4Test et Inspection endoscopique
Angola Jeumont Unit 3-27 MVAOffshore Electrical Testing
Angola Jeumont Unit 1-27 MVAOffshore Electrical Testing
Emirates Jeumont Unit 1-37,5 MVAOffshore Type III and testing
Saudi ArabiaWestinghouseUnit 4-45 MVAType III electrical testing/ELCID

2008 :

Saudi Arabia Westinghouse Unit 1 43 MVA Inspection and testing

Saudi Arabia Stal Laval Unit 3 Turbine & Generator Baroscopic Inspection
Saudi Arabia Stal Laval Unit 4 Turbine Baroscopic Inspection
Italy Unit 4 Baroscopic Inspection and testing generator HG 50-600
France GEC Alstom Unit 1 12 MVA ELCID Testing
Reunion Island GEC Alstom 33,33 MVA Type II and electrical testing
France GEC Alstom Unit 1 80MVA ELCID and testing
Unites Kingdown Jeumont 22MVA Type II and electrical testing
Germany Jeumont Unit 1 23 MVA Type III test et inspection
France GEC Alstom Unit 1 80MVA Stator Winding Repair
France Alstom Unit 1 Imp 155MW Rotor Inspection
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 3 25,6 MW Baroscopic Inspection
Saudi Arabia Brush Unit 3 35 MVA Rotor Vibration Analysis
France ABB Unit 1 55MVA Type 1 Electrical testing
Saudi Arabia GE Unit 7 62,5 MVA Main Rotor Damage Inspection
Saudi Arabia GE Unit 7 62,5 MVA Main Rotor Damage Inspection
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 2 25,6 MW Electrical testing and inspection
France Alstom Unit 1 250MW RSO Testing and electrical testing
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 2 25,6MW Additional Electrical testing
France ALSTOM UNIT 2 250MW RSO testing
France Alstom Unit 1 900MW RSO testing
Germany Jeumont Unit 1 13 MW High Speed Electrical testing
Italy Jeumont Unit 1 22,22 MVA Type I Electrical testing

2007 :

Saudi Arabia Brush Unit 13 34,00MW repair 1 coil Brush and testing

Saudi Arabia English Electric Unit 5 14,52 MW Electrical Testing
Saudi Arabia ABB Unit 7 28,88 MW overhauling and electrical testing
Saudi Arabia AEG Unit 3 25,60 MW Cement Plant Unit 3 Electrical testing
Saudi Arabia Jeumont Unit 3 & 4 4,00 MW Motors Electrical testing
Saudi Arabia Brush Unit 8 28,00 MW stator rewinding on site
South Korea Jeumont Unit 1 & 2 10 & 4MW spares stator coils Synchronous Motors
Saudi Arabia meeting and training for electrical testing
Saudi Arabia ABB Unit 6 installation of Humidity detector

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